Special Alert: Cure For Alzheimer’s May Be At Hand!

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Special Alert: Cure For Alzheimer’s May Be At Hand!

A new research study on mice has shown that some thing that’s in you medicine cabinet already may reserve Alzheimer’s disease.

A new research study on mice has shown that something that’s in you medicine cabinet already may reserve Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Brough explained in a press release

“Our research shows for the first time that mefenamic acid, a simple Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug can target an important inflammatory pathway called the NLRP3 inflammasome , which damages brain cells,”


“Until now, no drug has been available to target this pathway, so we are very excited by this result.”


The research has been on mice and yet has to be seen if results will be the same in human trials.

We started this alert with the words “Cure May Be At Hand, not Cure Found” What is of value to all of us is that the NSAID drugs are already FDA approved and should lead to faster human trials and treatments.

What you do with this information is up to you and your doctor!



Here is list of NSAID’s , Stop the video and review;



(Anacin, Ascriptin, Bayer, Bufferin, Ecotrin, Excedrin)

Choline and magnesium salicylates (CMT, Tricosal, Trilisate)

Choline salicylate (Arthropan)

Celecoxib (Celebrex)

Diclofenac potassium (Cataflam)

Diclofenac sodium (Voltaren, Voltaren XR)

Diclofenac sodium with misoprostol (Arthrotec)

Diflunisal (Dolobid)

Etodolac (Lodine, Lodine XL)

Fenoprofen calcium (Nalfon)

Flurbiprofen (Ansaid) Ibuprofen(Advil,Motrin, Motrin IB, Nuprin)

Indomethacin (Indocin, Indocin SR)

Ketoprofen (Actron, Orudis, Orudis KT, Oruvail)

Magnesium salicylate (Arthritab, Bayer Select, Doan

‘s Pills, Magan, Mobidin, Mobogesic)

Meclofenamate sodium (Meclomen)

Mefenamic acid (Ponstel)

Meloxicam (Mobic)

Nabumetone (Relafen)

Naproxen (Naprosyn, Naprelan*)

Naproxen sodium (Aleve, Anaprox)

Oxaprozin (Daypro)

Piroxicam (Feldene)

Rofecoxib (Vioxx)

Salsalate (Amigesic, Anaflex 750, Disalcid, Marthri

tic, Mono-Gesic, Salflex, Salsitab)

Sodium salicylate (various generics)

Sulindac (Clinoril)

Tolmetin sodium (Tolectin)

Valdecoxib (Bextra)

Note: Some products, such as Excedrin, are combinat

ion drugs (Excedrin is acetaminophen,

aspirin, and caffeine).

Note that acetaminophen

(Paracetamol; Tylenol) is not on this list. Acetaminophen belongs to a

class of drugs called analgesics (pain relievers) and antipyretics (fever reducers). The exact mechanism of action of acetaminophen is not known.

Acetaminophen relieves pain by elevating the pain threshold, that is, by requiring a greater amount of pain to develop before it is felt by a person. It reduces fever through its action on the heat-regulating center of the brain. Specifically, it tells the center to lower the body’s temperature when the temperature is elevated. Acetaminophen relieves pain in mild arthritis but has no effect o

n the underlying inflammation, redness and swelling of the joint


Paracetamol, unlike other common analgesics such as aspirin and ibuprofen, has no anti-inflammatory properties, and so it is not a member of the class of drugs known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs.


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