Inside America’s Dead Shopping Malls


I thought this video would be of interest to our subscribers. The world is changing around us due to the advances made by online shopping.

Shopping Malls are losing to the changing habits of the buying public.

The changing habits of the buying public also applies to seniors looking  for the lowest cost for the medical insurance needs. This why I help most of my clients via the internet. First I explain the policies available and then I share the plans that are available in your area with cost comparison. Secondly I can help you purchase the lowest cost plan right on your computer via screen sharing, where you can see my computer but I can’t won’t see your screen or computer.

Call me today for a NO obligation presentation and quote on your Medicare coverages.  Call me at 845-380-5809 or email at or here on my website:

Please subscribe and share this very interesting presentation with all your friend and family.

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