Salt, Thirst & Why We Gain Weight


Salt, Thirst & Why We Gain Weight

New Research On Salt

 Salt Makes You Hungry

  • Recent research is reporting that a salty diet caused the test subjects to drink less not more water.
  • The report goes on to say that the kidneys conserve water trigged by the salt and produces urea, which stimulates hunger by consuming energy rather than creating thirst.

It had always been thought that salt caused urination by holding water molecules in the body that in turn caused thirst, this report can change what we know about salt.

 Hart To Believe!

  • Until the recent research no one had conducted long-term research on the relationship between the amount of salt in a person’s diet and how much water they drank.
  • It was always assumed that the extra urine was due to drinking more fluids.
  • Hard to believe but true, the study revealed that the salt stayed in the urine, while the water returned to the body and kidneys.
  • Research done on mice showed that higher salt intake didn’t increase their thirst, but made them hungrier.

It may be the reason that no matter how much we struggle to lose weight, the salt in our diet is making us hungrier.

 What The Body Does

  • Until the recent research no one had conducted long-term research on the relationship between the amount of salt in a person’s diet and how much water they drank.
  • It was always assumed that the extra urine was due to drinking more fluids.
  • Hard to believe but true, the study revealed that the salt stayed in the urine, while the water returned to the body and kidneys.
  • Research done on mice showed that higher salt intake didn’t increase their thirst, but made them hungrier.

It may be the reason that no matter how much we struggle to lose weight, the salt in our diet is making us hungrier.

How It Affects Us?

  • The new research is changing what had been thought of how the body maintains the proper balance of water and it affect on our muscles, liver and kidneys.
  • The research did not deal with the cardiovascular system or blood pressure, but did show how our bodies internal balance and energy consumption is tightly connected.

Salt makes us hungry, so cut down your daily intake of salt.

Reduce Salt Consumption For Weight Loss

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