To Lose The Fat, Lose The Wheat!


Is Wheat The Cause of Your Obesity?

 It isn’t Wheat Any More

  • The wheat in the modern diet has no relationship to original wheat other than the name.
  • The wheat we consume today is so far removed from the wheat of our ancestors that they would not recognize it.

We should all avoid eating the wheat the food industry has created using synthetic pesticides and commercial chemical fertilizers.

Drop The Wheat, Drop The Fat

  • There is a unique protein called “Gliadin” which has a morphine like effect that fuels appetite which causes weight gain.
  • Drop the wheat from your diet and you will reduce your hunger pains and drop weight.
  • No wheat, no pain. No pain, no gain.

You can stop the hunger cycle!

Wheat Is In Everything!

  • The food industry has increased the production of wheat and in turn had to find more ways to sell the huge amount that is now produced.
  • Wheat can cause us to become addicted to it because it contains substantial morphine-like compounds.

Your blood sugar will increase more from just two slices of whole wheat bread higher than from a candy bar.

Slows Down Metabolism

  • A chemical dough conditioner called Potassium Bromate that makes bread soft interferes with the body’s natural hormones and increased risk of thyroid cancer. It is banned in most countries but not in the USA.
  • Potassium Bromate suppress thyroid activity slowing down our metabolism and we burn less calories and causes fat gain.

It is still available in the pizza, cakes, cookies, and bread we eat.

Why do We Love Bread?

Bread turns to sugar, driving up your glucose — blood sugar — and straining your body’s ability to produce the insulin needed to process all those calories. This leads to inflammation throughout your body and extra fat stored around your belly; this is also the first step toward developing diabetes.

  • Any wheat product be it whole grain or from white flour is not good for your health.
  • It’s why you should avoid carbohydrates as much as possible which makes it hard to maintain good blood sugar levels.

Giving up wheat produces will make you feel better. lose weight and reverse the ill effects it has caused to you health.


Bread turns to sugar, driving up your glucose — blood sugar — and straining your body’s ability to produce the insulin needed to process all those calories. This leads to inflammation throughout your body and extra fat stored around your belly; this is also the first step toward developing diabetes.

  • Any wheat product be it whole grain or from white flour is not good for your health.
  • It’s why you should avoid carbohydrates as much as possible which makes it hard to maintain good blood sugar levels.

Giving up wheat produces will make you feel better. lose weight and reverse the ill effects it has caused to you health.


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