I Purchased Over The Counter Hearing Aids And So Can You

I am Bill Vargas from Senior  Health Corp and I specialised in Medicare for senior citizens and as a senior citizen myself I came across the very disturbing situation I was having problem hearing a lot of times what people said and sounded muffled to me so I I went to my insurance company and they told me I had coverage for hearing aids and to my chagrin I find out that the coverage though it says it’s $2000 of coverage it turns out that the the coverage is for the worst possible hearing aid you can get an the hearing aid specialists as they call them or or D ologists they they want to sell you something separate from that and if you want to upgrade it will be 1002 thousand 3000 I think customers who might come in at $4000 so I said OK I’ll go outside the insurance and agree to pay $1200 for a hearing aid over the ear which I wasn’t too crazy about but I figured I’m getting it from a professional so then I order it it took quite a while to come in more than a week and 1/2 or so And I went there and I really was feeling uncomfortable because I had to pay $1200 and you know that’s a shame the citizens were all depending on Social Security check so I went in and I did have a good situation there the guy’s told me then keep the appointment as can I put somebody in front of me before I got to him so you know what I did I walked out I said this is not for me I know that my inner signal was ringing bill this is not for you get outta here and I did I got home and I said you know you’re so cheap why did you join Consumer Reports find out about all the hearing aids that now officially over-the-counter approved by the government you don’t need a doctor and you could shellfish a set with your phone that the Henry range so that’s what I did I came home I bought the I signed up for Consumer Reports I got a report from Forbes magazine about all the hearing aids and the prices and you know I could trade $1200 sentence risk then I find out there a lot of times this audiology list are are selling late model or old models and so they make an eventual profit selling new models they’re already out of sync and like I said I don’t want one behind the ear but I was gonna go with it because I was dealing with a professional not I wasn’t happy about it I didn’t like the way the situation took place in the office so I left So what I came home I did my research with Consumer Reports and Forbes and they came up and gave 10 different companies in 10 different hearing aids and there was two types one that comes pre set and one that you set the self set so the that one you use your phone to do a test and modulate the hearing aid an in 2023 the law was changed by the FCC that allows you to buy the hearing aid directly it’s not at an amplifier it’s an actual hearing aid so I got my box here and the amazing thing is I went online last night about 8:00 at night I put in I saw that that particular hearing aid that I felt was right between the high and the low I was in the middle an an Amazon was on special only $630 so I said well compared to 1200 dollars $630 is a bargain and I’m getting Bluetooth I’m getting I could hear phone calls I can hear music I could listen to the TV and it is rechargeable and numerous other advantages so I’m gonna do what they call a a box opening and that’s another point this clocks I ordered last night o’clock when I woke up at 8:00 word to have my coffee there was the box waiting for me so I’m going to share this momentous occasion with you this moment and open the box with you and I’m gonna have this link to this particular product that you can purchase from Amazon and I’ll make a little Commission on it and I’ll show you in mind that but let’s open the box a big box a little product and this is not the type that goes over your ear this is the type that it goes into into now so let me open this up get this off here and we’ll open up together and we’ll see what we have here there you go nice little box and this is the Java enhance plus I showed you there the jabber enhance plus and it comes with a your instructions a charging case after hearing bulbs so you could change the type of plug that goes in here this is charging cable and then after air bulbs that go in your until you fit the perfect one for you it comes with your instruct the owners manual and it goes into all the things and then let’s see look at this little thing here and this comes in a little package sealed up and I’m opening with you I’m just excited you look at the size of this thing look how little that is and this is as modern technology as you can get for $630 and I’m going to put it in my ear I’m not going to put it on but I could get phone calls I can listen to music I’m going to put it in my ear and see if you can see it so if someone sees me with this hearing aids they gonna presume that I’m listening to what are they called those listening devices for music not that it’s a hearing aid even though I’m an old guy I don’t want to look like an old gang so I’m doing another video series about what’s happening with the scandal with the I called it the scandal of the hearing aid industry so if you receive a citizen and you need a hearing aid I recommend this Jabra and I’m going to put a link below and you can see look at small this is it’s almost you can hardly see it and it it fell off the floor but in any case amber Vargas my company is seeing a health Corp my website is Medicare self enrol enter your zip code the name of your doctor the prescription you take and cell phone roll into Medicare when you’re 65 or disabled also if you’re a veteran you can sign up for a special veterans programme if you have VA prescription all plan will give you everything the VA doesn’t give you other than the prescription plan and you get money back on your Part B Medicare so I hope that gave you a good instinct and what’s going on with with the hearing aid and you could see is comfortable I have no problem with it and I’ll give you a report if I have any problems take care see you in the next video I just want to finish up I put on the hearing aids I downloaded an app on my iPhone because this hearing is work with the iPhone and they did a hearing test my left ear I’m right here and based on my answers did I what did I hear how that I hear it it it made volume difference and on the left and the right and it’s pretty amazing I made a phone call with it and it worked out beautifully and the sound was great I listen to Pandora so music and I recommend it and I’m going to put in the link councillor below where you can get on Amazon it’s a it’s a great buy and the value for the money and they did do a hearing test they did modulate it for me so go to inmedicarecellphonerow.com NT zip code to find the right Medicare plan for you and if you have any questions or comments please put them in below and go to my website and you could get information on anything to do with Medicare and any questions you may have about hearing aid or anything of that nature so see on the next video thanks again Sienna health Corp website isinsuredmet.com and my cell phone Roman site is Medicare soften role that can see the next one bye bye

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