Inside you’ll discover:
– Step-by-step how-to and how-much supplementation advice
– Clear explanations on why removing toxic and pathogenic stressors are crucial for effective treatment
Jon Pangborn, Ph.D. – one of the true pioneers in researching medical problems associated with autism – was a close colleague of Autism Society of America Founder Dr. Bernard Rimland and has been affiliated with Dr. Rimland s research organization The Autism Research Institute for more than 30 years. Their diligent work helped elevate the now-accepted notion that autism is usually an acquired disorder that should be treated comprehensively by addressing physical symptoms along with appropriate educational and behavioral supports.
Nutritional Supplement Use for Autistic Spectrum Disorder offers up-to-date discussions of safe and effective supplement use to address biochemical abnormalities in individuals with autism. It offers practical guidance for avoiding potentially toxic chemical stressors and exposure to infectious pathogens, including the latest recommendations for special diets and nutritional support.
This indispensable reference offers down-to-earth strategies for using nutritional supplements including practical do s and don ts, a sample intervention schedule and tools for measuring progress. Dr. Pangborn provides the reader with authoritative information on a wide range of nutritional supplements as well as those supplements to be wary of in terms of safety, purity or the use of synthetics.
His previous book – co-written by Dr. Sidney Baker, and titled Autism: Effective Biomedical Treatments – was a groundbreaking contribution to the field. Now retired from practice, Dr. Pangborn wrote this book as a summary of his findings and opinions on autism with hope for improvement for many.
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Ana L Trevino –
This book is very valuable to all parents who have a special person with autistic spectrum disorder. I have read many books but found this one more useful because it guides you through the steps that you have to take in order to get somewhere. I would recommend this book to all parents who are just starting to look for answers , they will find them here.
autismRNmom –
Glad Jon Pangborn took the time to revamp his material, focus on the things that have worked for him and put them in an easy to follow format. My son has autism and this book and others like it along with a lot of work on our part and doctors have given him a change at less symptoms and more healing. Thanks ARI and Dr. Pangborn for all your hard work. Jennifer Walters BSN-RN
Sally Kirk –
Dr. Pangborn is truly an expert on the treatment of autism through his education and deep involvement with autism researchers & medical doctors who treat with biomedical interventions. Dr. Pangborn’s book lays out for parents an easy-to-follow & understand step-by-step approach to introducing biomedical interventions (including diet and nutritional supplements). Dr. Pangborn is a guru and pioneer of body chemistry in autism. He clearly marks those sections of his book that provide in-depth, technical information. You can read them or skip them depending on your background and interest in body chemistry. Very valuable book!
momof2sweetboys –
It’s like an instruction manual for ASD. There is a great explanation of current research-based understanding of ASD. A list of supplements that many benefit from is given along with a suggested order of starting these. It discusses how and why certain supplements work. It mentions the research that connects Tylenol use with ASD.
judy peck –
THE WORLD OF SUPPLEMENTS IS SO VAST,Dr. Panghorn helps make the path a little easier for us to follow. Definitely not for the beginner.
Eli –
Give a good review of supplement use in Autism with background and knowledge not easily found. Highly recommend to parents and physicians.
Wutz –
This book is a must read if you take care of a person with autism. It provides the details you need to know about all supplements that might potentially be of benefit. Extra information on the physiology of substances is added in separate chapters for those interested. The book contains a scheme how to start and what to do as next steps, which is very helpul. The described nutritional measures were most helpful for our autistic son. Nutritional supplements are an essential pillar in the therapy of autism besides optimised individual diet, behavioural therapy, treating concomittant disease and homeopathy. There is potential for persons with autism to improve behaviour and well being. Good luck!
Melinda Huber –
This book has so much information in it and I think that ever parent with a special need child should read this. We were having terrible upsets with our daughter and at the end of our rope. We were already doing intensive behavior therapy 35 hours a week and she was learning but her behaviors were not getting better. So we went to a bio-medical nurse practitioner and I think everything we learn that visit and all the visit after that are in this book. It was so educational and I have found more supplements and things I can do to continue to help my daughter’s body to feel and work better. And her behaviors are almost gone we have our child back and I do believe that adding the supplements to our treatment plan is what has made the positive changes we have seen over the last 6 months. Read this book!