It’s All About Your Gut Bacteria-Health & Obesity


It’s All About Your Gut Bacteria

New Research On How Some Foods Increase Health Risks

It’s In Meat & Eggs

  • New research is saying that an essential nutrient found in eggs and meat called Choline may cause blood to become sticky and Inclined to form clots that cause strokes and heart attacks.
  • Like Goldilocks too much Choline is bad and too little is just as bad.

In recent research given volunteers more than the recommended Choline of 550 for men and 435 for women showed that their blood was more likely to form clots was reported in the Journal Circulation.  (more…)

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Why Seniors Should Be Taking A Baby Aspirin Twice A day


Anyone aged 50 and above should take 2 baby aspirins a day.

Two Aspirins a day can prevent a third of colon, throat and stomach cancers and can reduce the risk of death in some cases.

Hundreds of thousands of lives would be saved as reported by the largest and most comprehensive analysis of the use of aspirin.

It can happen at any time at any age: (more…)

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How Water Can Prevent HEART ATTACKS


Most people do not want to drink water before they go to bed, because they know they will have to get up during the night.

Gravity retains water in the lower part of your body when you are standing. When you lie down and the lower body is level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. You need a minimum of water to help flush toxins from your body.

When You Drink The Water Is Also Important:


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