To Lose The Fat, Lose The Wheat!


Is Wheat The Cause of Your Obesity?

 It isn’t Wheat Any More

  • The wheat in the modern diet has no relationship to original wheat other than the name.
  • The wheat we consume today is so far removed from the wheat of our ancestors that they would not recognize it.

We should all avoid eating the wheat the food industry has created using synthetic pesticides and commercial chemical fertilizers.

Drop The Wheat, Drop The Fat (more…)

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How Seniors & The Obese Can Prevent Injury During Exercise


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How Seniors & The Obese Can Prevent Injury During Exercise

Seniors and the obese need to exercise in the same way that younger people do, and are susceptible to injury in the same way. With proper guidance and planning, injuries can be avoided in people of all ages. Exercise-related injuries are common and can be incredibly painful. In seniors, they can cause serious complications, which may take a long time to heal. It therefore, best when seniors are exercising, they are wary of potential injuries to limit the likelihood of injuring themselves. Below are some of the main ways seniors can prevent injury during exercise. (more…)

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How To Breathe Senior Life Into Your Weight Loss
How to Breathe Correctly and What it Can do for You
The way you breathe has a huge impact on your stress levels and can do a great deal to make you more or less stressed. That’s because our breathing is deeply connected to our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and regulates the release of hormones and neurotransmitters such as cortisol, testosterone, and adrenaline. (more…)

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Why Exercise Increases Weight Loss For Seniors

[embedyt][/embedyt]The Role Of Exercise In A Ketogenic Diet

Without a doubt, exercise is extremely important, whether you are following a low-carb, ketogenic lifestyle or not. However, exercise is able to act more efficiently when following a ketogenic diet.

Let’s face it- the primary reason you are exercising is to look good, period. Sure, health benefits are a nice secondary benefit, but if we are brutally honest, it’s because looks matter to almost all people.


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Fats, Facts Or Myths About Weight Loss


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Wait just a darn minute, so you mean to tell me fats are not the bad guys? That they are merely “accomplices,” or the subject of peer pressure?

Yep, chances are you have been wrong about fat your entire life. Kind of like that one guy in high school who was too weird to be friends with, but now owns a fortune 500 company! (more…)

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Ketogenic Diet For Seniors Only $19.95


Automatically Reduce Hunger, Burn Fat, Make Your Heart Healthier, and Naturally Control Food Cravings…

While Your Body Does All Of The Work!

What fuel are you running on?

 Likely, your answer is carbs, like starches, fruit, and other sugars.

When you walk, or talk, or simply move through your daily routine, you are burning energy, and typically most people get their energy from Dietary Carbohydrates (more…)

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