Resurgence Of Tango All Over The World


Resurgence Of Tango All Over The World 

Why Tango?

  • In today’s world of computers and smart phones we are losing the feelings that only touching another human being can give us.
  • In the world of salsa or swing dancing there is no “Intimate Embrace” like there is in Tango.

We all need to feel part of something that is outside of ourselves.

Forever Tango (more…)

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Tango & Personal Hygiene Mistakes


Tango Hygiene Mistakes

Your body!

  • Always slower as close to the Milonga start time as possible.
  • Use an Anti-perspirant not a deodorant!
  • Men avoid any kind of cologne or aftershave. You never know if the women is sensitive to the scent.

Use Coconut oil hair products to give your hair a nice good smell.

Your Mouth

Bad Breath is more than just embarrassing! (more…)

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Rejection and How To Handle In Tango & Life


Rejection and How To Handle It

You Can’t Please Everyone

  • In the song “ Garden Party” the singer Ricky Nelson sings:
  • I went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends
  • A chance to share old memories and play our songs again
  • When I got to the garden party, they all knew my name
  • No one recognized me, I didn’t look the same
  • But it’s all right now, I learned my lesson well.
  • You see, ya can’t please everyone, so ya got to please yourself!

What Does This Have To Do With Tango? (more…)

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Tango: Everything You Need To Know

Tango is a sensual ballroom dance that originated in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the early twentieth century. Tango is usually performed by a man and a woman, expressing an element of romance in their synchronized movements. Argentine Tango is well-suited to dancing in small settings. Argentine Tango retains the intimacy of the original dance.
Tango: Everything You Need To Know (more…)

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The Top 5 Mistakes In Tango Milongas


The Top 5 Mistakes In Tango Milongas

Mistake # 1 – Tandas

At a milonga, music is played in sets called “tandas.” Usually, three or four songs are played by the same orchestra followed by the “cortina” (the curtain) which signals the end of the “tanda”. If you ask someone to dance and they accept, it is assumed that it will be for the entire “tanda”. You must walk your dance partner back to their table.

Under no circumstances should you correct your partner while on the (more…)

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The Secret Pleasures Of Argentine Tango


The Secret Pleasures Of Argentine Tango

Social Dance

Tango as a social dance grew from the idea of improvising together by using a rich mix of movements, constantly developing as tango subculture keeps evolving. Tango can be compared to a language used to communicate with another person, each conversation being unique. At every moment the partners decide what they will “converse” about, depending on the music, skills, and desires. Given a very rich movement vocabulary, these “conversations” may vary in an almost infinite number of ways. Here the most important thing will always be not what the dance looks like to the outsiders but how you feel dancing it with this particular partner to this particular music. Many people come to tango to try out something new, something they always wanted to try, sometimes just to meet the opposite sex, to socialize, to dance, to move their body.

First Impression (more…)

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You Can Learn To Dance Tango Noticeably Well In This 20 Hour Program


You Can Learn To Dance Tango Noticeably Well In 20 Hour Program
Cure For Loneliness
Loneliness in our modern world is a major health issue for most adults. Social isolation and loneliness are the causes of many physical and mental illnesses.
You must invest in nurturing your social life as much as you do your financial life.
Taking dancing lessons from professionals who specialize in the type of dance that interests you will bring you into a world of new friends and social contacts.


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