April 2016 Newsletter

[embedyt][/embedyt]New InsuredMeds. header 3-15-16April 2016 Newsletter

Happy Birthday to all our April babies!!

Some people feel aging is not a good thing, but the alternative is not very attractive. If you have reached full social security retirement age, your life is a success story. Let me give you some numbers. More people die between ages 55 to 64 than die between ages 65 to 74. Congratulations, if you have made it to full Medicare age!!

It important to know your numbers: (more…)

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How To Prevent Fraud As You Age


Older people may be victims of scams and frauds like insurance, home repairs, telephone, or Internet fraud. Even friends “trusted” or family members have been known to steal money or property of a person.

The following tips may be helpful:

Do not be afraid to hang up on telemarketers. You’re not being rude. You are taking care of yourself! Remember, you can say no to any offer.

Do not give any personal information, including your credit card number or bank account over the phone unless you were the one that made the call. (more…)

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